Taking LCHF To The Poorer Communities – Hassina Kajee: Ep 38

Download Episode Rarely will you come across a kinder and more empathetic physician. Dr. Hassina Kajee was running a High Care Emergency Unit in Cape Town, South Africa. After seeing so many people die she started looking at the stats and worked out that most deaths were from chronic diseases. So she opened a […]
Finally, A Non-Profit to Fund Keto Research: Ep 37

Download Episode What an amazing couple. Dorian Greenow and Gemma Kochis, the founders of Keto-Mojo, talk about the establishment of a non-profit called the Ketogenic Foundation to fund further research into the keto diet and it’s many health benefits. They are utilizing Keto-Mojo profits as well as all affiliate link monies raised by Keto-Mojo to […]
Settling a Difference of Opinion – Dr Cywes and Dr Goldkamp: Ep 36

Download Episode At the super successful Boca 2020 event we had a moment where Dr. Robert Cywes was at the Q&A mic and made a blanket comment that protein just turns to sugar. Dr Goldkamp voiced his disagreement with that but the Q&A session did not allow the time for either to elaborate further on […]
A Food Addict’s Road Back – Karen Parrott: Ep 35

Download Episode Pam talks today with Karen Parrott. She has been an awesome supporter of ours and has volunteered at almost all our San Diego events. We learned about her amazing personal story and have been meaning to get her on the podcast for a long time. So glad we have finally managed to do […]
Inspired Keto Coaches Knock It Out of The Park: Ep34

Download Episode When we were in the foyer of the Marriott hotel the night before our Boca 2020 event, we bumped into Gaby Ondrasek and Loly Trujillo and they were bouncing around like crazy things. They were just so excited and when we sat down to speak with them they told us of how […]
Hyperinsulinemia Causing Chronic Pain – Gurpreet Padda: Ep 33
Download Episode Dr Gurpreet Padda is an interventional pain physician who treats with patients with profound, chronic, severe pain that is unrelenting. Over time he worked out that there was more to these people’s pain than just the physical source of it and that it was also a systemic or metabolic inflammatory issue and that […]
Reactive Hypoglycemia: Taking Your Life Back – Ashley Carter Youngblood: Ep 32
Download Episode Ashley Carter Youngblood resolved her debilitating reactive hypoglycemia by simply changing her lifestyle and adopting a ketogenic diet. She describes how she was scarcely able to function at all. She got to a point where if she didn’t eat a large meal every couple of hours she would be so sick she could […]