About This Event

The one day Brainerd Lakes Metabolic Health Symposium is to be held on Saturday, September 21 at the Cragun's Resort but on the Sunday, September 22 we are holding a charity golf event at the same venue.  This event is to raise funds for The SMHP™ and The Boys and Girls Club of Central MN.  In the form below you can sign up to play and/or to engage as a sponsor of this amazing event.

Cost Per Golfer

Players may register a 4-ball or as an individual - $175/golfer.  Registration includes 1 entry into door prize, 18 holes of golf including cart, Entry into all hole competitions.
MULLIGAN PACKAGES: (only one 4some package per team or equivalent if bought individually):
$100/4some:  2 Mulligans/golfer; 4’ putting string for team, and 2 door prize entries/golfer.
$25/Individual: 2 Mulligans, 1’ putting string, 2 door prize entries.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold: $5000 Get company Logo at top of all event materials including: all advertising and fliers, Goodie Bag, and company logo sleeve of balls. Company ads/offers in Goodie Bag
Silver: $2500 Get prominent display of logo on all ads and fliers, Bag of Company logo Tees in Goodie Bag, company ads/offers in goodie bag
Bronze: $1000 Logo on all ads and fliers and company ads/offers in Goodie Bag
Hole Sponsors: $500 Get a sign at the hole you sponsor and a table to have company information and giveaways. Also may have a game to raise funds for BGC and SMHP
Others Donation of prizes for Closest to pin (2), longest drive (1), longest putt (2), most accurate in target zone (1 ) competitions, and door prizes.

For Further Information, Contact Kevin Smith: [email protected]
