
RD Beats Anxiety And Gets Her Life Back on a Carnivore Diet : Ep 71
Download Episode This was such a good chat!!  Michelle Hurn was a Registered Dietitian working in a hospital setting and trying to get ready to qualify for the Olympic Marathon team. ...
Robb Wolf Talks About his Collaboration on the Book and Movie 'Sacred Cow': Ep 70
Download Episode It’s always such a pleasure to catch up with Robb Wolf.  He’s such a humble, wise man.  This time we got to speak about the latest project he finished...
Blinded By Sugar - Dr. James Muecke, 2020 Australian Of The Year: Ep 69
Download Episode Dr. James Muecke is an ophthalmologist who was nominated as Australian of the Year in 2020 for his ongoing humanitarian work in helping to prevent blindness in impoverished...
Diana Rodgers on Cow Farts and Sustainable Agriculture : Ep 68
Download Episode Diana Rodgers is a Registered Dietitian, a farmer, an author, a filmmaker and a mom!  We talk to her about her new book, and movie, Sacred Cow.  The book goes into...
Andrew Oswari, MD Becomes One Of the First To Be SMHP Accredited : Ep 67
Download Episode Two years ago, Dr. Andrew Oswari, a family medicine doctor practicing integrative medicine, was experiencing what most doctors are currently experiencing, depression...
Keto Kind - Medical Grade Meal Replacement: Ep 66
Download Episode Andrés Rosales and Mauricio Moel are two youngsters from Mexico, studying at Harvard, who decided that there was a huge gap in the meal replacement market for a very...
Jen & Dave Unwin: Fireside Chat - What Lovely, Humble People: Ep 64
Download Episode I have wanted to sit down and chat with David and Jen Unwin for the longest time so this was a real treat.  We start out by hearing briefly how he first came to learn...
Gary Taubes' New Book - The Case For Keto: Ep 63
 Download Episode After bursting onto the scene with Good Calories Bad Calories in 2007, Gary Taubes has gone on to write many books that have managed to make it into the mainstream...
Nonprofit for Metabolic Health Practitioners is a Game Changer: Ep 61
Download Episode https://youtu.be/380n6htjsfk/ I sat down with Dr. Adele Hite to talk about the imminent launch of the nonprofit Society for Metabolic Health Practitioners (SMHP). ...
Constantly Striving for Better and Cheaper Testing: Ep 60
Download Episode LowCarbUSA® podcast Episode 60 features our great friend, Keto-Mojo founder, Dorian Greenow. He talked to us about the latest model of their blood glucose and blood...
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