Inspired Keto Coaches Knock It Out of The Park: Ep34

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When we were in the foyer of the Marriott hotel the night before our Boca 2020 event, we bumped into Gaby Ondrasek and Loly Trujillo and they were bouncing around like crazy things.  They were just so excited and when we sat down to speak with them they told us of how they had attended our event in West Palm Beach the previous year and how they had been inspired so much that they both went back and started finding ways to reach more people.  Gaby’s following has grown from 6,000 to 36,000 in this last year.

It was truly humbling for us to hear this and so we sat down with them after the event and recorded this for a podcast.  I know we normally try to keep our interviews to under 20 minutes but this conversation was so much fun that we just let it run.  Hopefully some more of you out there will get inspired too.

If you want to catch up with Gaby or Loly you can search for ‘GabyOndrasek’ and ‘Loly_Fit’ on Instagram and other social media channels.

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