Penny Marshall, ‘Laverne’ famed actress and comedian, died December 17, 2018 at the age of 75 from ‘complications related to diabetes’. This breaks our heart and is the reason Doug Reynolds and I have made it our mission to work every day, all day on getting information and resources out to our communities world-wide.
Don’t wait just because it’s the holidays. It’s the BEST time to ensure you eat healthy, healing food. Don’t allow yourself to get to get sicker or, even worse, experience a health event just because you felt like you had to partake and didn’t want to feel like you were missing out.
If you feel like it is super hard to do this, it’s really not. Join our community to get the support you need. We have new groups and forums directly on our website! Find resources, get educated, connect with others who want to take back their health and the health of those they love! Join a group now!
Type 2 Diabetes is not chronic and progressive. It can be halted and diabetic numbers/blood sugars/insulin spikes reversed to curb the tissue damage that those conditions cause.
There are healthy alternatives to every holiday recipe, and we can help you with that. Don’t get caught up with some of the supposed low-carb/keto products on the market, released almost daily. Watch the carb counts and the ingredients! Don’t use if it has more than 5 ingredients, and they aren’t whole foods and here’s why [taken from an article in Readers Digest I was just reading this minute]:
‘I think we all know a friend or family member who has been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes—in most families, more than one. It’s a diagnosis so commonplace we’re inured to what has become “a global epidemic with devastating humanitarian, social, and economic consequences,” according to The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), an alliance of diabetes associations in more than 160 countries.
In the U.S. alone the incidence of diabetes has nearly doubled in the last 20 years, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Nearly 30 million people have the disease—and 7.2 million don’t even realize it. The total cost of diabetes in the U.S. has increased from $245 billion in 2012 to $327 billion in 2017, estimates a recent study from the American Diabetes Association, and that number is projected to grow. “Diabetes imposes a substantial burden on society in the form of higher medical costs, lost productivity, premature mortality, and intangible costs in the form of reduced quality of life,” say the study authors.’
We can’t work hard enough or fast enough to help halt this epidemic in it’s tracks. We know 1000’s of people who we’ve met personally at our events and online on our platforms. We have read testimonial after testimonial and follow literally 100’s of thousands on Facebook groups worldwide (and going into the millions, literally, in one particular group) who are making progress in leaps and bounds to their metabolic health. All showing remarkable improvements in their blood sugar numbers, their triglyceride numbers, their hba1c numbers, and their inflammation markers.
We have hundreds of medical doctors, and many, many dietitians, and nutritionists in the ‘Providers List‘ on our website to help you find one in your area. Or meet people online who can possibly refer you to someone in your area. And if you are one of these providers and you are not yet in the list then click on ‘Add Contact’ and add your details to the database.
And, if you are a healthcare provider who doesn’t yet know about the powerful benefits of therapeutic carbohydrate reduction and how to prescribe it, PLEASE sign up for the online training on our website, and/or attend a live event – you can receive CME – CPD – CEU toward your licensing requirements and learn valuable information in the process to help more people!
Education is key! Educate yourself as much as you can. Watch any free videos on the site and/or on our YouTube Channel in the meantime!
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube, wherever you prefer to get your information. and share our posts & testimonials with your loved ones . And don’t forget to ask those questions you have!