You can drink wine and stay healthy

The holidays have a funny way of encouraging over-indulgence. We eat more, travel more, drink more, party more; everything seems to be in excess. Our health takes a hit. We sacrifice our bodies for a few months in the name of celebration and good cheer. Then, we make the New Year’s Resolution to get back to […]
Driving Down the Cost of Blood Ketone Test Strips

I finally got a chance to chat to Dorian Greenow from Keto Mojo about his passion for driving down the price of Ketone Test Strips. The prices of his FDA Approved Blood Test Strips for measuring Ketone Levels and Glucose Levels are unbeatable. I had to understand where his drive comes from that has him working […]
Are Ketone Breath Measurements Better Than Blood?

People are always looking for a simple way to test their ketones. Now LEVL has a new ketone breath monitor that allows you to test your ketones with a comfortable breath. Why would someone choose to measure ketosis using exhaled breath (acetone) instead of urine (acetoacetate) or beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB) in the blood? Breath is easy […]
Sugar Free Wine, The Healthy Option

Ketogenic Wine from Dry Farm Wines have zero carbs and no added sugar, additives or artificial coloring. They are lower alcohol wines and are mycotoxin free. FDA Approved, this Sugar Free Wine leaves you with NO HANGOVER! Whenever we find ourselves explaining the advantages and benefits of a Ketogenic Diet to someone, one of the […]