Cop with PTSD Finds Keto a Great Help: Ep 50

Download Episode Eric Reynolds was a cop with the Boynton Beach Police Department near West Palm and he got shot in the foot by an armed bank robber they were chasing and he ended up killing the suspect in the process. The whole incident left him in a pretty bad way and he started to […]
Doctor Solves Lupus and Migraines with Keto, Takes It To Her Patients: Ep 49

Download Episode Dr Kristin Baier is a family medicine physician who recently became board certified in obesity medicine as well. Back about ten years ago she was diagnosed with Lupus and was experiencing all the usual symptoms. She started focusing on a nutritional solution since she did not want to remain on medications and steroids […]
A Food Addict’s Road Back – Karen Parrott: Ep 35

Download Episode Pam talks today with Karen Parrott. She has been an awesome supporter of ours and has volunteered at almost all our San Diego events. We learned about her amazing personal story and have been meaning to get her on the podcast for a long time. So glad we have finally managed to do […]
Hyperinsulinemia Causing Chronic Pain – Gurpreet Padda: Ep 33
Download Episode Dr Gurpreet Padda is an interventional pain physician who treats with patients with profound, chronic, severe pain that is unrelenting. Over time he worked out that there was more to these people’s pain than just the physical source of it and that it was also a systemic or metabolic inflammatory issue and that […]
PCOS – Success with a Keto Diet – Carolina Cartier: Ep 30

Download this Episode Carolina Cartier talks to Pam about her incredible personal success in curing her PCOS and losing 200 lbs entirely through adopting an LCHF lifestyle. She had endocrine issues from an early age and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at 13. She tried all the Standard of Care treatments for PCOS […]
Dr. Tro Kalayjian On Keto and Athletics: Episode 19

Download This Episode Dr. Tro discusses his journey from an obese attending physician to a lean athlete. He then goes on to discuss all the latest research showing there is no degradation in performance for athletes on a ketogenic diet as long is it is properly formulated and they allowed a sufficient amount of time […]
Fat Fiction: How America’s Plan for Eating Right Got It So Wrong: Episode 17

Download Episode The Emmy Award-winning team at Wide Eye Productions, Director/Writer Jennifer Isenhart and Director of Photography, Tom Hadzor bring you the movie: “Fat Fiction: How America’s Plan for Eating Right Got It So Wrong.” Jennifer and Tom experienced such good results when adopting the LCHF way of life and then they went on to […]
Dr Ben’s SMaRT™ exercise system is great adjunct for Keto Lifestyle: Episode 16

Dr. Ben’s SMaRT (Slow Maximum Resistance Training) exercise program helped Type 1 Diabetic, Andrew Berger (@Type1Berger), show massive improvements in the control of his diabetes and led to enormous weight loss as well. Here he talks to Pam about how it’s possible that he can see such huge results. You can learn more about Dr […]
Awesome LCHF Success Story – Alexis Morales: Episode 13

Download Episode Alexis Morales describes her struggle with food addiction and how Nurse practitioner, Brandy Wiltermuth showed her the benefits of the LCHF Lifestyle and helped her over the addiction. Now she has lost the weight and no longer has sleep apnea and she has joined Brandy in her practice with a passion to help […]
Nurse Practitioner Incorporates LCHF Into Her Practice – Brandy Wiltermuth: Episode 12

[podcast src=”” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download this Episode” primary_content_url=”” theme=”custom” custom_color=”e3d9d2″ libsyn_item_id=”11084207″ /]Brandy Wiltermuth is a Nurse Practitioner who found the LCHF lifestyle for herself and found a way to successfully incorporate it into her current Clinical Weight Loss and Diabetes practice. Here she describes her journey to here and encourages […]