Dr. Gary Fettke – Persistent And Systematic Persecution

In this second video in the series we did with Dr. Gary Fettke at his home in Tasmania, we focus on the elephant in the room. In the first part we heard the story of his miraculous survival from a brain tumor and how that translated to his patient care and the wonderful successes he […]
Gary Fettke – Fructose Epiphany Leads To Personal Triumph And Successful Patient Care

I (actually we, Pam and I) had the distinct privilege of spending this past weekend with ‘Mr. No Fructose’, Dr. Gary Fettke, and his wife Belinda at their home in Tasmania. What an enlightening experience. I managed to get enough content on camera for about 5 videos which we will release over the coming weeks. We […]
Ben Davis Story – Third Ultra Race
Editor’s Note: Currently, Ben is trying to share his experiences with all the veterans out there to show that the Keto Diet can be used to aid recovery from PTSD as well as managing the chronic pain from injuries sustained during their service. In an effort to shine a light on his efforts and share […]
Zero Carb Diet Experiment: Going Carnivore

Steve and Melody Barons run a Keto coaching, training and support site called Tactical Kitchen. Having been asked a few times about the concept of a Zero Carb Diet by members of their group, they felt that the only way they could give a meaningful answer was to have actually tried it. An initial 30 […]
Remove Controlling Food and Take Back Control

Jess Dudley successfully lost 85 lbs on the ketogenic diet but found that she would slip. Until, that is, she was able to remove controlling food from her life. After that she took control back and now teaches others how to do it. More than that her main focus is to coach people on creating […]
Ben Davis Story – Second Ultra Race

Editor’s Note: Currently, Ben is trying to share his experiences with all the veterans out there to show that the Keto Diet can be used to aid recovery from PTSD as well as managing the chronic pain from injuries sustained during their service. In an effort to shine a light on his efforts and share […]
Take Your Life Back Through Weight Loss On A Keto Diet
I sat down and talked with Chuck Hicks who tells his stunning story of how he took his life back through weight loss on a Keto Diet and Intermittent Fasting. He is down 125 lbs from his heaviest weight of 465 lbs in just 6 months. This unfolding story of the huge benefits of the […]
Keto For CrossFit
For her Master’s Degree thesis in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at James Madison University, Rachel Gregory decided to study the use of Keto For CrossFit athletes. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Miami and she is a Board-Certified Nutrition Specialist, Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach. Rachel is […]
Will LCHF Increase Cholesterol Levels and Cause Cardiovascular Disease?

Below is a fascinating interview I had with Dr. Bret Scher. He is a cardiologist based in San Diego, about the therapeutic benefits of the LCHF lifestyle and the associated fear of cardiovascular disease risk. We also talked about the relevance of serum cholesterol levels (LDL cholesterol in particular) and the fact that the anti-inflammatory […]
Driving Down the Cost of Blood Ketone Test Strips

I finally got a chance to chat to Dorian Greenow from Keto Mojo about his passion for driving down the price of Ketone Test Strips. The prices of his FDA Approved Blood Test Strips for measuring Ketone Levels and Glucose Levels are unbeatable. I had to understand where his drive comes from that has him working […]