Cardiothoracic Surgeon Warns: “Stay Off My Operating Table” – Dr. Philip Ovadia: Ep 85

Download Episode Dr. Philip Ovadia is a cardiothoracic surgeon who found himself becoming morbidly obese and running the risk of ending up on his own operating table. He came across the ketogenic diet and the concept of carbohydrate restriction initially at a conference where Gary Taubes was talking. “What he was saying made a lot […]
Inspired Keto Coaches Knock It Out of The Park: Ep34

Download Episode When we were in the foyer of the Marriott hotel the night before our Boca 2020 event, we bumped into Gaby Ondrasek and Loly Trujillo and they were bouncing around like crazy things. They were just so excited and when we sat down to speak with them they told us of how […]
Fat Fiction: How America’s Plan for Eating Right Got It So Wrong: Episode 17

Download Episode The Emmy Award-winning team at Wide Eye Productions, Director/Writer Jennifer Isenhart and Director of Photography, Tom Hadzor bring you the movie: “Fat Fiction: How America’s Plan for Eating Right Got It So Wrong.” Jennifer and Tom experienced such good results when adopting the LCHF way of life and then they went on to […]
Dr Ben’s SMaRT™ exercise system is great adjunct for Keto Lifestyle: Episode 16

Dr. Ben’s SMaRT (Slow Maximum Resistance Training) exercise program helped Type 1 Diabetic, Andrew Berger (@Type1Berger), show massive improvements in the control of his diabetes and led to enormous weight loss as well. Here he talks to Pam about how it’s possible that he can see such huge results. You can learn more about Dr […]
The shocking Origins of the Plant Based Diet – Belinda Fettke: Episode 10

[podcast src=”” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download this Episode” primary_content_url=”” theme=”custom” custom_color=”e3d9d2″ libsyn_item_id=”10992512″ /]As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Gary Fettke had been experiencing some flak within the hospital environment in Tasmania, Australia for advocating dietary change for his diabetic patients to avoid having to amputate their feet, but he never expected to […]
Keto For Kids, Autism and ADHD

Dr. Robert Cywes first spoke at our event in San Diego in 2018 and he was a huge hit. Many people approached me saying it was the best presentation of the whole conference. He states that his whole treatment philosophy is based on his understanding of obesity and diabetes. “They are basically exactly the same […]
The Driving Force Behind the Dietary Guidelines

Up until a couple of months ago, when we paid a visit to Dr. Gary Fettke and his wife Belinda in Tasmania, our finger pointing at those to blame for the introduction of the catastrophic USDA dietary guidelines clearly singled out Ancel Keys and the McGovern Commission but we had never considered where they themselves […]
Ben Davis completes Ultra Races 4&5 Burning Fat While Running

Editor’s Note: For those who are just joining us on this journey, Ben is currently trying to share his experiences with all the veterans out there to show that the Keto Diet can be used to aid recovery from PTSD as well as managing the chronic pain from injuries sustained during their service. In an […]
World Renowned Low Carb Doctor Tells How He Got Started

Dr. Peter Brukner is a world renowned physician with a thriving sports medicine practice in Melbourne, Australia. He has served as team doctor and Head of the Sports Medicine Department for many international teams including Australia’s Olympic team and their national cricket team as well as the Liverpool Football Club in England. It was whilst […]
The Emotional Cost Of Standing Up For The Truth

We talked previously with Dr. Gary Fettke about his amazing success in advising a low carb diet for diabetes to help address their complications and avoid surgery and then we addressed the fallout he has experienced from providing this advice. Now we talk with his wife Belinda about the emotional toll this persecution has taken on him […]