Dr. Tony Hampton to Speak at 8th Annual SMH – San Diego, August 17-20

Presentation to focus on how individuals with different eating patterns — including vegans and carnivores — can live together in harmony This past week we caught up with Dr. Tony Hampton, MD, and spoke with him about the topic of his presentation at the 8th Annual Symposium for Metabolic Health to be held in San Diego. […]

Dave Feldman, founder & CEO of Citizen Science Foundation, looks forward to San Diego Symposium

Creator of the term “lean mass hyper-responder” discusses LMHR study and the importance of attending in-person conferences Anyone who has attended a LowCarbUSA® Symposium for Metabolic Health conference is undoubtedly already familiar with Dave Feldman’s innovative work relating to cholesterol, and the Lean Mass Hyper-responder study, which he is conducting in partnership with the Lundquist […]

“Cancer patients don’t have time to wait…”

Maggie and Brad Jones to present “The Metabolism of Cancer and Emerging Associated Therapies” at San Diego Symposium Maggie and Brad Jones—producers and directors of the upcoming documentary series CANCER/EVOLUTION—will take the main stage at the Symposium for Metabolic Health in San Diego in August to deliver a presentation entitled “CANCER/EVOLUTION: The Metabolism of Cancer […]

Dr. Boz Adopts Keto Practice after Helping Mom Battle Cancer: Ep 99

Download Episode Annette Bosworth, MD (Dr. Boz) shares her ‘accidental’ discovery of ketosis while helping her mom battle cancer.  “In my best prayers, we were hoping for a 50% reduction of her cancer & it went down 70%”, she said.  “I thought I was giving her the best care possible & what I was missing […]

What A Story of Hope! LCHF Saves Tia’s Life: Ep 98

Download Episode LowCarbUSA®  co-founders Doug Reynolds and Pam Devine recently interviewed Tia Reid, who used a low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) way of eating to overcome type 2 diabetes, NAFLD, hypertension, obesity, GERD, gout, sleep apnea, and more. Tia sustainably lost 85 pounds and came off 20 medications she no longer needed, after finding Dr. Robert Cywes, […]

Hard Ketones, Ethanol-Free Alcohol, No Toxic Side Effects: Ep 90

 Download Episode Doug Reynolds interviews Frank Llosa about his new concept of hard ketones.  It comes in the form of R1,3-Butanediol, an alcohol without the toxicity and side effects of the ethanol contained in beer, wine, and hard liquor (visit This Page to enjoy a 15% discount at checkout). Frank, who competed as an […]