Shown here: Dr. Mark Cucuzzella working at the hospital
Photo Credit: Nadav Neuhaus
Dr. Mark Cucuzzella MD FAAFP is a Professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine. He is also a LtCol in the US Air Force designing programs to promote health and better fitness in the military with the USAF Efficient Running Project. In military and civilian community he has been a tireless promoter of healthy movement, nutritional interventions in patients with any spectrum of the metabolic syndrome, and injury free training for running.
He will be speaking at the LowCarbUSA® – West Palm Beach in Florida Jan 19 -21, 2018 on ‘How To Be A Better Butter Burner. Implications For Fitness And Health’. What we all need to do to ensure we can keep moving and exercising for the rest of our lives.
You can learn more about it here
Mark was a lead writer of one of the first grants supporting education of Medical Students in nutrition and physical activity in Medical School. Mark is also the lead on a large USDA grant to double SNAP benefits at Farmers Markets- the goal is reducing food insecurity as a barrier to healthier eating.
He’s also been a competitive runner for over 30 years — with more than 100 marathon and ultramarathon finishes — and continues to compete as a national-level Masters runner. He has won the Air Force Marathon twice. He is the race director of Freedom’s Run race series in West Virginia and director of the Natural Running Center, an education portal designed to teach healthier running .
Mark is also the owner of Two Rivers Treads — A Center for Natural Running and Walking in his hometown of Shepherdstown, W.Va. Mark’s vision of a future of health is housed in his site www.drmarksdesk.com.
Mark’s innovative work and story has been featured in the New York Times, NPR, Outside Magazine, Running Times, Runners World, Air Force Times, the Washington Post, JAMA, Blue Ridge Outdoors, and other medical and media outlets. Mark Cucuzzella MD FAAFP Professor West Virginia University School of Medicine DrMarksDesk.com store/race HQ 304-876-1100 mobile 304-268-8813 [email protected]
[Doug Reynolds: Founder – LowCarbUSA®]