Certification Training

Training Categories

Certification training for this category of Professionals is provided by the Nutrition Network (NN) which is a spin-off from The Noakes Foundation.  The courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Office in London and provide Internationally Accepted CME credits for all of them.

For this category of providers there are a few options.  The primary distinction is between a regular nutritionist or dietitian and one who focuses on sports nutrition. If your primary focus is sports nutrition then certification is available through the National Association of Sports Nutrition (NASN).  If you are a registered dietitian or a nutritionist then the training is available through the Nutrition Network (NN).  CEUs are available for both courses here too.

The training for this category is available through the Nutrition Network (NN) via the Advisor’s Course.  Completing this course also allows non-clinicians to go an and complete any of the other courses available from the Nutrition Network!

Any provider in this category may list their details, but for certification, we focus on a specific system of Slow, Maximum Resistance Training (SMaRT).  It has become clear that executing High Resistance Training in a very specific manner is not only very safe and effective but also activates a lot of the same metabolic pathways as the ketogenic diet and forms an awesome adjunct to this lifestyle.  The SMaRT system was developed by Dr. Ben Bocchicchio and we have introduced a course for personal trainers to learn this approach.  It is presented under the guidance of Dr. Ben by the National Association of Sports Nutrition (NASN). 

Get Certified

Have this badge displayed on your profile in our provider list. Become a Premium Member and complete the approved training described above to get Certified. Once you have completed the training, you can apply to be Certified on this page.

Once certified, you will be required to submit a certificate for CME credits from one of our conferences every 2 years to show you are keeping up to date with the science.

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